CARPET - A Front End Checklist


The 6 areas to consider spell out CARPET, hopefully making it easier to remember.

Is it Clear?

  • Is it obvious what to do? Imagine it’s the user’s first day. Is help text needed?
  • If we include help text does it use plain English (or translated equivalent)?
  • Does any button text accurately reflect what will happen when it is pressed?

Is it Accessible?

  • Are we using semantic HTML elements so the role of each piece of content is clear?
  • Is all text easily legible – large enough with enough contrast? If you have to think about it, probably not.
  • Do we have text descriptions for any visual media, such as images and icons?

Is it Responsive?

  • Is it still usable when the viewport is very large or very small?
  • Do items that are visually grouped become disassociated when the screen is very wide?
  • Could the experience be optimised for different screen sizes?

Is it Performant?

  • Are there barriers which may mean waiting times greater than 2 seconds?
  • Are we keeping DOM manipulations to a minimum?
  • Could it be made faster, possibly by doing less at once, or doing some things in the background or asynchronously?

Is it Efficient?

  • Is there user effort that we could remove - repetition of actions, excessive clicks or scrolling?
  • When the page loads is the initial focus on the most useful element?
  • Is there an opportunity to remember user preferences or persist filters?

Is it Testable?

  • Are any values that we may want to test available in the DOM?
  • Do elements with testable values have IDs or classes so that the specific elements can be targeted?
  • If we have values embedded in images, videos or canvas do we have a text equivalent which we can test?