How to Be a Good Designer


I've been designing web sites and user interfaces for quite a long time now and thought I'd try to pass on what I think it takes to be a good designer. This isn't about design techniques or theory, just how to interact with other people.

Rule 1. Don't be a dick. That's really it. Don't let your ego take over. You will inevitably have to present your work to others. Don't presume that because you're the designer that your opinion is worth more than anyone else's. It's a collaborative process and if you start feeling that you know best it will stop you listening to others. This leads neatly into...

Rule 2. Listen to others. This isn't because you have to or to be polite. If you actually listen and understand people's views, opinions and concerns you can learn how to adapt your designs to meet their needs or explain how there might be a different solution to the problem.

Rule 3. Explain your thinking. Don't just present a design and let others judge it. Explain clearly all of the design decisions you have made. If you can justify these and articulate them clearly people will understand, you'll have more of a conversation and, in turn, their feedback will be more constructive. It will also give them more faith in you - you don't do things on a whim but your decisions are well thought out.

Rule 4. You don't have to win. It's ok to not get your way. It's important to show that you respect others' opinions and concede to try their ideas. If their idea really was wrong it will come out over time and the next time they will be more inclined to trust your view.