Blogging Nostalgia


I started blogging on WordPress back in the summer of 2008. I managed to keep it going through until January 2011, which is quite an achievement in itself. Then, for whatever reason (laziness) it just kind of fizzled out. This was all on my previous site, I was struggling for a domain name. Can you tell? Don't bother visiting - it just redirects back here these days.

I started up again on this site,, in late 2014 and am still going in January 2017. Go me!

When 2 Become 1

You've guessed where this is going. I recently had the idea of closing down the old site and importing all the blog posts into this site. Everything in the one place, less maintenance. Easy win. And surprisingly easy to do. Good job, WordPress! When I publish this post it will be my 89th in all. Zoiks! Let's try to hit the ton.

When I Were a Lad

I've found it fascinating looking back at some of the things I wrote about in the early days. Cue harp music and wobbly faces. It goes to show how fast things move. Here are some of the topics I covered:

Web 2.0 - what version are we on now? (Aug 2008)

In the past websites were a one-way read only process, an online brochure which people visited to get information. Now, with the whole concept of Web 2.0, it’s all a two-way interactive process with customers or fans playing an active part in a website.

Chrome, when it was Google Chrome and still in BETA (Sep 2008)

Having another browser on the scene, and with a big name like Google behind it you know it’s going to have a lot of users, means more testing and increases my chances of having to recode.
Hmm. Didn't imagine it would be quite so good.

Link exchanges, when that was a thing (Sep 2008)

Don’t listen to anyone, not even me.
Excellent advice.

Responsive design, kind of, whatever, I'm claiming it (Sep 2008)

The majority of users in the UK use a Windows PC with Internet Explorer 7 and a screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels.

Although a lot has changed there's actually a lot of good stuff in there that still holds true. I'm quite impressed. Now I just need to get some other people to read it.