Static Website or Content Management System?


If you've decided you want a website, the next decision to be made is which kind - a simple, static website or a Content Management System (CMS)? Let's have a look at the pros and cons of each kind.

Static website

  • As it's simpler it's quicker. I can produce a static site in a matter of days at a push.
  • When it comes to design, there are no restrictions.
  • It's cheaper. Cheaper to initially build and cheaper to run.
  • If you want to update it you have to contact the web developer and wait for him/her to update the content for you.
  • If you want to use an XML sitemap you have to have it updated manually each time you change your content.

Content Management System

  • You can update the site's content whenever you want, from wherever you want, provided you've got an internet connection.
  • It's even possible to update your website by email.
  • As the site structure is dynamic all navigatoin is handled for you. For example, if you add a new page it automatically appears on the menus.
  • Your XML sitemap is automatically updated every time you change the site's content, meaning the search engines can keep up you.
  • It's more expensive. The set up takes longer and the web hosting costs more.
  • The web designer doesn't have quite as much creative freedom as he'she has to fit in with the CMS framework.


In the end it boils down to how much content you are dealing with and how frequently that content is going to change.

If you are starting up a new business it may be worth taking advantage of the tax breaks allowed as start-up costs and go for the CMS.